what we offer



Our Services Include:

• Local and Wide Area Network Integration.

• Existing Network Re-engineering.

• Network and Computer Troubleshooting.

• Hardware, Operating Systems & Office Applications Support.

• Hardware and Software Acquisition and Provisioning.

• Wireless Network Solutions.

• Mobile Solutions.

• SAN & NAS Storage Solutions.

• Terminal-Based Services/Remote Access/VPN (Virtual Private Networking) Solutions.

• Remote Desktop Services -  Terminal Server Solutions.

• Infrastructure Design and Migrations.

• Exchange Server Design and Migrations.

• Support for all Windows Version from Windows XP to Windows 8.1

• Small Business Server 2011 (supports up to 75 simultaneous user or device connections).

Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials (supports 25 users and 50 devices).

• Patch and Anti-Virus Management.

• Network Security.

• Anti-Virus/Anti-Spam Solutions.

• Remote Assistance Avoiding Costly Wait and On-site Travel Times.

• Site Analysis and Documentation.





©NTR 2014